Saturday, May 24, 2014

Chasing the Brown-throated Sunbird

A pair of the Brown-throated Sunbird, male is at right with metallic blue upper parts.

Ants and a little spider...
 On a Sunday morning (25 May'14)  my mind gets philosophical upon seeing the many tiny birds that paraded  themselves early just outside my verandah.  The colourful Orange-bellied Flower pecker made an early visit at the Jackfruit tree, the Eastern Crimson Sunbird with its beautiful scarlet feathers dropped by at the heliconia bracts and the Little Spiderhunter was the first to get a bite of little spiders.  Have we worked and not enjoy?  Have we looked but not see? Have we fought the power of nature than follow its rhythmic flow of events?  So today I decided to enjoy a little chase, so natural -  just like the early birds chasing insects and foraging for food.  There is much unspoken joy when I saw the Brown-throated Sunbird hunting in pair.  The male of the species typically in the animal world being more colourful than the female. The male of the species has very colourful upper body - rich metallic blue.  Splendid.  The opposite of the species possess a dull olive-green upper body, yet I was attracted to its ability in snatching a juicy red seed of the Simpoh Air while in flight.  Slightly later I chased it to the Botanic Island One where it successfully captured a tiny bee and about to devour the prized catch for breakfast.  All these happenings in just a turn of the hour makes me wonder how much more should I fill my life with the wonders of nature and the joy of living.  Life is not short, really.  It is long enough to fill it to the fullest.  Have I got an answer to this recurring question - Do you look at an empty glass with a smile? A philosopher does.  Do you?
Dull olive-green upper body of the female Brown-throated Sunbird.

A male Brown-throated Sunbird foraging for insects at the Pong-Pong branch

A frontal view of the female Brown-throated Sunbird at the Simpoh Air (Malay) - Shrubby Dillenia.

Female Brown-throated Sunbird successfully plucking a juicy red seed of the Shrubby Dillenia
Location : Provinsi Carpentaria, Zone F

Female Brown-throated Sunbird with a bee pinched at its beak
Location : Botanic Island One, Zone D

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